Tuesday, March 4, 2025

How 3D TV Fits In A Home Theater

The world has been advancing technologically since before most of us were born but it may seem like the concept of advancing technology is a recent thing. The reason for this seems to be the rate of progress. We are scarcely digesting the magic of big-screen high-definition TV and all of a sudden the next […]

Your Home Entertainment System

If money were no object, what kind of system would you install in your own home for the purposes of entertainment? As time goes on, the restrictions on what we can reproduce in our houses are disappearing, with only the issue of cost to really hold up what we can do. Admittedly that issue is […]

Why A Bigger Screen Makes A Movie Better

Watching a film on a dedicated home entertainment system is not a new idea, per se. For many years the average family has had the option to watch a film of their choice on their own TV screen, as the commercial market in video technology has grown. But there has always been, and will continue […]

Home Entertainment In The Present Day

There was a time – and it is not in the far-distant past, either – when if you wanted to see a film you would have to go to the cinema to enjoy it. As time went on, the possibility of watching a film of your choice was extended into the home by the development […]